QUEENSLAND A range of grants and loans have been made available to support businesses and communities impacted by the South East Queensland rainfall and flooding, 22 February – 7 March. This support is being made available through the Australian and Queensland Government’s jointly-funded Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements. Applications for these grants and loans are managed through QRIDA. You can review the eligibility and other requirements on the QRIDA website at www.qrida.qld.gov.au. Businesses and not-for-profits organisations Disaster Assistance Loans offer up to $250,000 for up to 10 years at a concessional rate. This loan can be used to repair or replace damaged plant, equipment or buildings, replace stock or meet carry on costs including rents or rates. Disaster Assistance Loans (Essential Working Capital) offer up to $100,000 for up to 10 years at a concessional rate. This loan can be used to pay staff, creditors, rent or rates and purchase goods that are essential for your business such as fuel. Primary producers Primary producers can also apply for Disaster Assistance Loans and Disaster Assistance Loans (Essential Working Capital) similar to those for small businesses and not-for-profit organisations. Sport and community clubs and associations
NSW The NSW and Australian Governments are working together to provide financial support to businesses impacted by the recent storms and floods. Small business and not-for-profit organisations Disaster recovery grant – up to $50,000 to help pay for the cost of clean-up and resuming operations. Disaster recovery allowance – a short-term income support payment to assist if you’ve lost income as a direct result of the floods, provided by the Australian Government. Stamp duty relief – for replacing insured commercial motor vehicles written off due to floods and storms. Disaster relief loans – concessional interest rate loans up to $130,000 for small businesses and up to $25,000 for not-for-profit organisations. Primary producers Special disaster grant – up to $75,000 to help pay for the cost of clean-up and resuming operations.